As expected, the onion crop, while numerous (around 350), consisted of small onions. Still over 300!
The cucumbers died off after producing only 4 or 5 fruits. Zucchini wasn't much better. All but one of the summer squash plants were puny, probably too much in the shade. The remaining one produced about 8 squash.
I froze about two gallons of green beans, and ate a good amount more.
The tomato crop was the best I've ever had. The cherry tomatoes, a variety known as "Sugary" and looking like grapes, not cherries, were prolific and flavorful. One of my neighbors, who generally doesn't like uncooked tomatoes, liked them. The Jetstars also did great (I lost count, at least 60), since we had a dry summer and no blight.
The kabocha produced 7 squash, only 1 or two per plant. I'm not sure how many butternut plants sprouted, but they produced 38 good-sized fruits, some of them HUGE.
I planted peas later than I'd intended, and there wasn't any rain and I was lazy and didn't water them, so only about 7 plants sprouted, and then I never harvested the half-dozen pods.
The pepper crop was pitiful. A combination of the dry summer, less than ideal location (not enough sun) and I'm not sure what else. Quite a few of the New Ace variety just upped and died. I couldn't see any reason for it, just a failure-to-thrive sort of thing. The yellow peppers had good flavor, but weren't particularly prolific, and tended to rot before they ripened fully. We just don't have a long enough, hot enough summer for the varieties that need to go past green. Got about a dozen yellow bells, 40 Ace and 42 bananas.
The swiss chard, at least until now (late October) was puny. Not sure why, except maybe the dry summer.
We had a few strawberries, and the plants sent out a lot of runners, so we should have more next year. They're filling in the herb bed, around the rhubarb.
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