Saturday, November 21, 2020

End of season wrap-up


  • Planting potatoes in a tub. I didn't get much (drought, using left-over market potatoes), but I can see how it would work well if I did it right! 
  • Grape tomatoes -- got a zillion of them from outside the garden for easy access
  • Transplanting banana peppers indoors at end of season, so I'll have two (maybe three) really solid plants to go outdoors in the spring
  • Thyme is thriving in the bucket in the garden and is at easy picking height
  • Black-seeded simpson lettuce grown in a planter on the deck, which never bolted

Not so good: 

  • Critters ate all the yellow squash plants
  • Drought prevented the banana peppers from producing more than 3 or 4 small peppers
  • Drought also killed the dill
  • Swiss chard just doesn't like container growing and did terribly
And now it's officially the end of the season. I've brought in all the non-hardy perennials (rosemary, geraniums, peppers) and the sage (just because it was growing in a pot, which might make it non-hardy). 

As the final project, I planted a bunch (twenty? forgot to count, some larger than others) of garlic seedlings that I'm hoping will go straight to full heads next year. They sprouted from bulbils near my deck, and I didn't want to lose them when I was clearing that area over the summer, so I put them in a pot, and they grew exuberantly. It's a little late in the year to plant garlic, but they had such amazing roots that I think they'll be fine and should be off to an early start in the spring. If not, I haven't spent any money on it (and barely any time), so it's no big deal. But if it works, I may do it more intentionally in the future, because those roots were really amazing. More than they can grow in a few weeks from an October-planted clove.  Probably too labor-intensive for commercial growing, but may be just right for home growing.

Over the winter, I plan to cut down a bunch of weedy saplings (in the garden, as well as too close to the house), and then next spring, I'm getting a flame thrower (okay, just a flame weeder), in part to deal with the weedy saplings to stop them regrowing, but also for the garden, so I can reclaim it a bit. I'm also toying with putting a couple raised beds in the side/front yard where there isn't morning sun, but lots of afternoon sun, probably more total than in the back yard. One for growing tomatoes/peppers/basil, and one for squash, onions, and swiss chard. Oh, and green beans. I miss home-grown green beans. The latter bed will need a critter-proof top. 

Friday, May 29, 2020

Late, but not really

Memorial Day weekend is the traditional planting time for warm-weather crops like tomatoes and peppers, so the nursery was almost out of plants when I went today. Except it's not really late; it's just that Memorial Day was early. It's probably better to say that these plants can safely go into the ground the last weekend of May, which is the next two days. So I'm right on schedule.

Or I would be if I'd done any bed prep before now. The weeds have pretty much taken over.

I'm not planning a big garden this year. Just half a dozen each of grape tomatoes and banana peppers, some lettuce and swiss chard and herbs (in containers), plus some yellow squash if the critters don't get to them, and maybe some butternuts (ditto on being subject to critters). I've also got, for the first year since planting 3 years ago, lush rhubarb plants. (Forgot to get a pic; will try to remember and edit tomorrow.) I'm also experimenting with some potatoes that sprouted in the kitchen. I remember reading that they're treated to prevent growing, so I'm about to find out if it's true. They're planted in a bucket, so I can keep topping it off as (if) they grow, and, in theory, have a whole bucket full of potatoes in the fall.

So, yesterday I got some dill seeds, since it's been a while since they self-seeded, and planted them in a bucket with some pre-existing thyme. Today I bought six-packs of grape tomatoes, banana peppers, and yellow squash, for a total of a little less than ten bucks.

I'm expecting rain over the next 24 hours (ridiculously humid weather since yesterday), so no watering yet. I'm hoping to plant the banana peppers (the only seedlings left) tomorrow in between showers.

It should be a cheap growing year, since I already had two bags of compost. I bought some potting soil for the outdoor containers, so that's another five bucks or so. I've already got copper fungicide for the tomatoes. Oh, but I bought a new lopper and a new rake, so that's another fifty bucks or so, but they need to be amortized for the next ten years or so. I may also decide to get some mulch, but I'm not sure I'll need it. There's a pile of grass clippings I can grab, and that may be enough for the small beds I've planted this year.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

A different kind of recovery

Lots of people are thinking about starting vegetable gardens this year, and it seems like a good time to get back to my own garden. This recovery won't be a financial one (despite the economic crash and hardships) but more like a recovery of our footing, after such a massive upheaval in our normal lives from the novel coronavirus.

The last couple of growing seasons weren't great, mostly because ever since contracting Lyme disease from ticks in my own back yard, I hadn't been particularly enthusiastic about spending time out there. I think I'm ready to venture out again.

I was out puttering around in the garden today, the first nice day in what feel likes six months. Two (of three) rhubarb plants are looking better than ever, so I weeded around them and added a bunch of composted manure, and will toss some mulch around them the next time I'm out there. I also transplanted the third plant (which broke into two, so now there are four plants, albeit small ones), which wasn't doing well in another location. It too got a bunch of manure to be followed by mulch.

I expected the asparagus to be up, because I keep hearing of other gardeners in the state starting to harvest the spears in the last two weeks. I must have a different microclimate (maybe they have raised beds, and I don't), because they usually sprout in early May for me. It is early May, but apparently still too early. Or else my neglect has finally killed them, but I tend to think that every year, and it's just me being anxious for fresh asparagus. When eaten directly in the garden, or within a few hours of harvest (as opposed to days) it's excellent uncooked. Sweet and just a little crunchy.

Ironically, last fall was the first time in probably 20 years that I didn't get around to planting the garlic for this year's harvest. We won't be deprived though, because I have millions of volunteer plants. The heads will be small, because they're too crowded to grow to full potential, but perfectly edible. At some point, I'll transplant them somewhere with better spacing, to be next year's main crop.