After a brutal winter (that isn't over yet), I'm starting to think that maybe, just maybe there will in fact be a planting season this year. Just got a notice from a plant supplier that rhubarb roots are on the way, even though the ground is too frozen to dig a hole and likely will be for another ten days to two weeks.
The one encouraging note: the new variety of garlic (Red Russian) that I planted this past fall has sprouted (5 plants, out of what I thought I recalled as 6 cloves, but I may have remembered wrong, and even if we lost one, it's hardly surprising given the intense winter) and they're a good 3" tall. In contrast, our regular variety, German Extra Hardy, hasn't sprouted yet.
ETA: I just found my planting notes: 68 German Extra Hardy from full-sized heads, 86 German Extra Hardy from 2-clove heads (wild plants) and 6 Red Russian.